Friday, June 15, 2012

Aurora Borealis

The summer solstice approaches (June 20). Aurora is Latin for Goddess of the dawn--the lights; Borealis means northern. This solstice marks the farthest north the sun will travel, hence we will have our longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The lights are visible in the night sky at high latitudes, e.g. in Alaska and Sweden.

I have always looked forward to the summer solstice; it's symbolic. The sun turns around and heads south over the next six months, or so it seems. Maybe other things will turn around, too...for better or worse. Whoever said "change is the only constant" got it right.

There is also an Aurora Australis—the southern lights.

1 comment:

  1. Your wriiteup on the Aurora Borealis struck a cord with me. When I graduated from school in New England, the Headmistress addressed me as the Aurora Borealis because my job had been to awaken the entire school every morning for three years.
